La technologie HydrofiberMD
Pansements AQUACELMD
La technologie HydrofiberMD est un matériau
doux et absorbant qui se gélifie au contact du
liquide de la plaie.
Alliés dans la bataille contre la chronicité et le retard de guérison : L'avantage de deux technologies dans un seul pansement pour cibler les obstacles à la guérison.
1. La technologie HydrofiberMD forme un gel cohésif qui maintient un milieu humide et emprisonne les bactéries et l'exsudat1-12.
2. La technologie PLUS QUE DE L'ARGENT tue les bactéries enfermées dans le pansement13.
1. Barnea Y, Armir A, Leshem D, Zaretski A, Weiss J, Shafir R, et al, 2004. Clinical comparative study of AQUACEL® and paraffin gauze dressing for split-skin donor site treatment. Ann Plast Surg; 53: 132-136.
2.Kogan L, Moldavsky M, Szvalb S, Govrin-Yehudain J. 2004. Comparative study of AQUACEL and Silverol treatment in burns, Ann Burns Fire Disasters; 17: 201-207.
3. Brunner U, Eberlein T, 2000. Experiences with hydrofibers in the moist treatment of chronic wounds, in particular of doabetic foot. VASA: 29: 253-257.
4. Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot JA, Bowler PG, 2006. Visualization of bacterial sequestration and bacterial activity within hydrating Hydrofiber™ wound dressings. Biomaterials; 27: 1129-1139.
5. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG, 2003. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilization in a carboxymethyl cellulose (AQUACEL®) and alginate dressing, Biomaterials; 24: 883-890.
6. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle, E, 1999. Infection control properties of some wound dressings. J. Wound Care; 8: 499-502.
7. Walker M, Bowler PG, Cochrane CA, 2007. In-vitro studies to show sequestration of matrix metalloproteinases by silver-containing wound care products. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2007; 53: 18-25.
8. Walker M and Parsons D, 2010. Hydrofiber® Technology: its role in exudate management, Wounds UK; 6: 31-38.
9. Parsons D, Bowler PG, Myles V, Jones SA, 2005. Silver antimicrobial dressings in wound management: A comparison of antibacterial, physical and chemical characteristics. WOUNDS; 17:222-232.
10. Jones SA, Bowler PG, Walker M, 2005. Antimicrobial activity of silver-containing dressings is influenced by dressing conformability with a wound surface. WOUNDS; 17: 263-270.
11. Bowler P, Jones S, Towers V, Booth R, Parsons D, Walker M. 2010. Dressing conformability and silver-containing wound dressings, Wound UK; 6: 14-20.
12. Walker M, Jones S, Parsons D, Booth R, Cochrane C, Bowler P. 2011. Evaluation of low-adherent antimicrobial dressings. Wounds UK; 7: 32-45.
13. Bowler PG, Parsons D. Combatting wound biofilm and recalcitrance with a novel anti-biofilm Hydrofiber® wound dressing. Wound Medicine 14 (2016) 6-11.